Litigation & Injury Claims

Civil & Commercial Law

8118 Law accepts instructions to represent clients in civil & commercial law claims in the County Court and High Court, including for:

  • Money and debt claims
  • Breach of contract
  • Negligence and nuisance claims
  • Property disputes
  • Trusts (including trusts of land)
  • Boundary and other neighbour disputes
  • Harassment
  • Personal injury
  • Wills and probate

Whether you are considering starting a claim and just need advice, need representation at an upcoming court hearing, or need to appeal a decision that has already been made, help is just a telephone call away. Advice can be given over the telephone or as a full written opinion. You can get assistance in starting a claim or making an application including the preparation of court forms and witness statements. When it comes to the court hearing, the barrister can represent you in any court across England and Wales.

Direct Access Barrister – No Solicitor Required

This is possible because the barrister is authorised to conduct litigation, and can even go on the court record and handle the day-to-day running of your case. This can lead to savings of thousands of pounds, ensures that you will have a single point of contact throughout the life of your case, and gives you the peace of mind that the person who is representing you has been with you throughout.

If you already have a solicitor and want the barrister to represent you in court, then it will be your solicitor who instructs the barrister on your behalf. If you want the barrister to represent you via a solicitor, you should ask your solicitor to get in touch by calling 0345 257 1981 as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether you instruct directly or through a solicitor:

  • You will be offered free initial telephone advice.
  • Every client is guaranteed the offer of a conference with the barrister before their court hearing.
  • The barrister will try to make himself available for conferences at a time that suits you.
  • You can communicate with the barrister by phone, e-mail, WhatsApp, MS Teams, or Zoom.